База данных динозавров:
Общее количество образцов: 1365name | Gallimimus (Галлимим) |
period | Cretaceous (Меловой период) |
period_mya | 66 |
date_from | Turonian Age (Туронский ярус) |
date_to | 66 million years ago |
date_from2 | 93.9 |
date_to2 | 66 |
lived_in | a desert (пустыня) |
was_a | omnivore (всеядные) |
reproduced_by | laying eggs (откладывание яиц) |
url | https://dinosaurpictures.org/Gallimimus-pictures |
articles | Z. Kielan-Jaworowska and R. Barsbold. 1972. Narrative of the Polish-Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions 1967-1971. Palaeontologia Polonica 27:5-136 Z. Kielan-Jaworowska and K. Kowalski. 1965. Polish-Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions to the Gobi Desert in 1963 and 1964. Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Cl. II 13(3):175-179 P. J. Currie and D. Badamgarav. 2003. The first Late Cretaceous footprints from the Nemegt locality in the Gobi of Mongolia. Ichnos 10:1-12 R. Gradzinski and T. Jerzykiewicz. 1972. Additional geographical and geological data from the Polish-Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions. Palaeontologia Polonica 27:17-306 M. Watabe and D. B. Weishampel. 1994. Results of Hayashibara Museum of Natural Sciences–Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of Mongolia Joint Paleontological Expedition to the Gobi Desert in 1993. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 14(3, suppl.):51A Z. Kielan-Jaworowska. 1966. Third (1965) Polish-Mongolian Palaeontological Expedition to the Gobi Desert and western Mongolia. Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Cl. II 14(4):249-252 M. Watabe and S. Suzuki. 2000. Report on the Japan–Mongolia Joint Paleontological Expedition to the Gobi desert, 1993. Hayashibara Museum of Natural Sciences Research Bulletin 1:17-29 S. Suzuki and M. Watabe. 2000. Report on the Japan–Mongolia Joint Paleontological Expedition to the Gobi desert, 1998. Hayashibara Museum of Natural Sciences Research Bulletin 1:83-98 S. M. Kurzanov. 1981. O neobuchnykh teropodakh iz verkhnego mela MNR [An unusual theropod from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia]. Fossil Reptiles of Mongolia. Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongol'skaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya, Trudy [The Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition, Transactions] 24:39-50 W. Watabe and S. Suzuki. 2000. Report on the Japan–Mongolia Joint Paleontological Expedition to the Gobi desert, 1994. Hayashibara Museum of Natural Sciences Research Bulletin 1:30-44 L. A. Nessov. 1995. Dinozavri severnoi Yevrazii: Novye dannye o sostave kompleksov, ekologii i paleobiogeografii [Dinosaurs of northern Eurasia: new data about assemblages, ecology, and paleobiogeography]. Institute for Scientific Research on the Earth's Crust, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg R. Gradzinski and J. Kazmierczak. 1968. Geographical and geological data from the Polish-Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions. Palaeontologia Polonica 198:33-82 |
trophic_level | omnivore (всеядные) |
habitat | desert (пустыня) |
motility | actively mobile (подвижный) |
points | 43.5292 101.045, 43.6017 100.457, 43.4399 100.369, 43.566 103.524, 43.8664 100.011, 43.4747 99.8331, 42.1173 62.6553, 43.4957 101.051, 43.8525 100.14, 43.5981 100.504, 43.6008 100.5, 43.4828 100.36, 43.7575 99.9006, 43.5017 101.05, 43.5025 101.048, 43.5031 101.046, 43.5195 101.03, 43.5156 101.046, 43.4994 101.051, 43.5131 101.046, 43.5381 101.036, 43.5397 101.038, 43.4819 100.361, 43.4413 100.375, 43.5972 100.457, |