База данных динозавров:
Общее количество образцов: 1365name | Gastonia (Гастония) |
period | Cretaceous (Меловой период) |
period_mya | 66 |
date_from | 129.4 million years ago |
date_to | 122.46 million years ago |
date_from2 | 129.4 |
date_to2 | 122.46 |
lived_in | a quarry (карьер) |
was_a | herbivore (травоядные) |
reproduced_by | laying eggs (откладывание яиц) |
url | https://dinosaurpictures.org/Gastonia-pictures |
articles | K. Brill and K. Carpenter. 2004. Articulated dermal armor of the ankylosaur Gastonia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24(3, suppl.):41A P. M. Galton and J. A. Jensen. 1975. Hypsilophodon and Iguanodon from the Lower Cretaceous of North America. Nature 257:668-669 J. I. Kirkland and D. Burge. 1993. A large dromaeosaur (Theropoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of eastern Utah. Hunteria 2(10):1-16 |
trophic_level | herbivore (травоядные) |
habitat | quarry (карьер) |
motility | actively mobile (подвижный) |
points | 38.8261 -109.568, 38.7181 -109.692, 38.8548 -109.565, |