База данных динозавров:
Общее количество образцов: 1365name | Giganotosaurus (Гиганотозавр) |
period | Cretaceous (Меловой период) |
period_mya | 66 |
date_from | 99.6 million years ago |
date_to | Turonian Age (Туронский ярус) |
date_from2 | 99.6 |
date_to2 | 89.8 |
lived_in | a terrestrial (наземный) |
was_a | carnivore (хищники) |
reproduced_by | laying eggs (откладывание яиц) |
url | https://dinosaurpictures.org/Giganotosaurus-pictures |
description | A carnivorous theropod similar to—but larger than— the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the remains of Giganotosaurus were discovered in what is now Argentina. Its name is very similar to that of Gigantosaurus, but the two are very different; the former being a bipedal meat eater and the latter a quadrupedal herbivore.Giganotosaurus remains have been found close to fossils of Titanosaur and other large hebivorous dinosaurs, so many researchers have theorized that Giganotosaurus preyed primarily on these creatures.It is depicted in art as similar to other theropods, with an enormous reptilian head bristling with teeth, small dangling clawed arms, powerful legs and a balancing tail. Some artists depict a row of spines running down the back to the tip of the tail. |
articles | J. O. Calvo. 1999. Dinosaurs and other vertebrates of the Lake Ezequiel Ramos Mexía area, Neuquén-Patagonia, Argentina. Y. Tomida, T. H. Rich, and P. Vickers-Rich (eds.), Proceedings of the Second Gondwanan Dinosaur Symposium, National Science Museum Monographs 15:13-45 R. A. Coria and L. Sagado. 1994. A giant theropod from the middle Cretaceous of Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 14(3, suppl.):22A J. O. Calvo. 1990. Un gigantesco theropodo del Miembro Candeleros (Albiano–Cenomaniano) del la Formación Río Limay, Patagonia, Argentina [A gigantic theropod from the Candeleros Member (Albian–Cenomanian) of the Río Limay Formation, Patagonia, Argentina]. VII Jornadas Argentinas de Paleontología de Vertebrados. Ameghiniana 26(3-4):241 |
trophic_level | carnivore (хищники) |
habitat | terrestrial (наземный) |
motility | actively mobile (подвижный) |
points | -39.5164 -68.75, -39.2 -69.6, -39.2065 -68.7167, |