База данных динозавров:
Общее количество образцов: 1365name | Pararhabdodon (возм: парарабдодон) |
period | Cretaceous (Меловой период) |
period_mya | 66 |
date_from | Maastrichtian Age (Маастрихтский ярус) |
date_to | 66 million years ago |
date_from2 | 72.1 |
date_to2 | 66 |
lived_in | a terrestrial habitat (наземная среда обитания) |
was_a | herbivore (травоядные) |
reproduced_by | laying eggs (откладывание яиц) |
url | https://dinosaurpictures.org/Pararhabdodon-pictures |
articles | F. M. Dalla Vecchia and R. Gaete. 2014. The hadrosaurid record in the Maastrichtian of the eastern Tremp Syncline (Northern Spain). In D. A. Eberth & D. C. Evans (ed.), Hadrosaurs A. Prieto-Marquez and F. M. D. Vecchia. 2013. Diversity, relationships, and biogeography of the Lambeosaurine dinosaurs from the European archipelago, with description of the new aralosaurin Canardia garonnensis. PLoS One 8(7):e69835 M. L. Casanovas and J. S. Santafé. 1987. Arcosaurios (Crocodilia, Dinosauria) del Cretácico superior de la Conca de Tremp (Lleida, España) [Archosaurs (Crocodilia, Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Tremp Basin (Lleida, Spain)]. Estudios Geologicos, Volumen Extraordinario Galve-Tremp M. L. Casanovas and X. Pereda-Suberbiola. 1999. First lambeosaurine hadrosaurid from Europe: palaeobiogeographical implications. Geological Magazine 136(2):205-211 W. Brinkmann. 1984. Erster Nachweis eines Hadrosauriers (Ornithischia) aus dem unteren Garumnium (Maastrichtium) des Beckens von Tremp (Provinz Lérida, Spanien) [First proof of hadrosaurs (Ornithischia) from the lower Garumnian (Maastrichtian) of the Tremp basin (Lérida province, Spain)]. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 58(3/4):295-305 |
trophic_level | herbivore (травоядные) |
habitat | terrestrial habitat (наземные среды обитания) |
motility | actively mobile (подвижный) |
points | 42.1555 1.055, 42.0826 0.802167, 42.1614 1.05479, 42.1458 0.99967, 42.1501 1.0538, |