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Specimen Record
Archisymplectes rhothon schram, 1973
From Field Museum of Natural History (Geology) Fossil Invertebrates Collection
Continent | North America |
Country | United States |
State/Province | Illinois |
County/Parish | Will |
Institution Code | Fmnh |
Collection Code | Fossil Invertebrates |
Catalog Number | Pe 84505 |
From Recordset
The Field Museum’s fossil invertebrate collection started with the purchase of the Ward's Natural Science Establishment collection displayed during the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The collection grew steadily over the years with the work of A.W. Slocom, S. K. Roy, E. S. Richardson and other Field Museum geologists plus numerous donations from other museums, universities, and the general public. In 1965 the Field Museum acquired the University of Chicago’s Walker Museum fossil invertebrates, which more than doubled the total number of specimens in the collection. Today there are an estimated 2 million specimens divided into ~320,000 specimen lots. The majority of the collection is arranged systematically divided by geologic periods. The remaining collection is organized stratigraphically.
Name | Kate Webbink |
Role | Information System Specialist |
kwebbink@fieldmuseum.org |
Name | Paul Mayer |
Role | Collections Manager of Fossil Invertebrates |
pmayer@fieldmuseum.org |
Name | Paul Mayer |
Role | Collections Manager of Fossil Invertebrates |
pmayer@fieldmuseum.org |
Name | Scott Lidgard |
Role | Associate Curator |
slidgard@fieldmuseum.org |
Name | Laura Russell |
Role | VertNet Programmer |
larussell@vertnet.org |
Name | Kate Webbink |
Role | Information Systems Specialist |
kwebbink@fieldmuseum.org |
Name | Sharon Grant |
Role | Technology Liaison to Science |
sgrant@fieldmuseum.org |
- Data
- Flags
- Raw
Type | Description |
dwc_taxonrank_added | Darwin Core Taxon Rank (dwc:taxonRank) added where none was provided. |
gbif_canonicalname_added | GBIF Canonical Name added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_taxonomicstatus_added | Darwin Core Taxonomic Status (dwc:taxonomicStatus) added where none was provided. |
gbif_genericname_added | GBIF Generic Name added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_country_replaced | Darwin Core Country (dwc:country) replaced with a standardized value from Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names. |
dwc_phylum_replaced | Darwin Core Phylum (dwc:phylum) replaced with a standardized value from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_taxonid_added | Darwin Core Taxon ID (dwc:taxonID) added where none was provided. |
idigbio_isocountrycode_added | iDigBio ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 Country Code added. |
gbif_taxon_corrected | A match in GBIF Backbone Taxonomy was found. Inverse of taxon_match_failed flag. |
dwc_scientificnameauthorship_added | Darwin Core Scientific Name Authorship (dwc:scientificNameAuthorship) added where none was provided. |
dwc_datasetid_replaced | Darwin Core Dataset ID (dwc:datasetID) replaced with value from ? TBD |
dwc_parentnameusageid_added | Darwin Core Parent Name Usage ID (dwc:parentNameUsageID) added where none was provided. |
dwc_class_added | Darwin Core Class (dwc:class) added where none was provided. |
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in Chicago. The collection grew steadily over the years with the work of A.W. Slocom, S. K. Roy, E. S. Richardson and other Field Museum geologists plus numerous donations from other museums, universities, and the general public. In 1965 the Field Museum acquired the University of Chicago’s Walker Museum fossil invertebrates, which more than doubled the total number of specimens in the collection. Today there are an estimated 2 million specimens divided into ~320,000 specimen lots. The majority of the collection is arranged systematically divided by geologic periods. The remaining collection is organized stratigraphically.", "logo": "https://fmipt.fieldmuseum.org/ipt/logo.do?r=fmnh-fossil-inverts", "url": "https://www.fieldmuseum.org/science/research/area/focus-fossil-invertebrates", "emllink": "https://fmipt.fieldmuseum.org/ipt/eml.do?r=fmnh-fossil-inverts", "archivelink": "https://fmipt.fieldmuseum.org/ipt/archive.do?r=fmnh-fossil-inverts", "contacts": [ { "first_name": "Kate", "last_name": "Webbink", "role": "Information System Specialist", "email": "kwebbink@fieldmuseum.org" }, { "first_name": "Paul", "last_name": "Mayer", "role": "Collections Manager of Fossil Invertebrates", "email": "pmayer@fieldmuseum.org" }, { "first_name": "Paul", "last_name": "Mayer", "role": "Collections Manager of Fossil Invertebrates", "email": "pmayer@fieldmuseum.org" }, { "first_name": "Scott", "last_name": "Lidgard", "role": "Associate Curator", "email": "slidgard@fieldmuseum.org" }, { "first_name": "Laura", "last_name": "Russell", "role": "VertNet Programmer", "email": "larussell@vertnet.org" }, { "first_name": "Kate", "last_name": "Webbink", "role": "Information Systems Specialist", "email": "kwebbink@fieldmuseum.org" }, { "first_name": "Sharon", "last_name": "Grant", "role": "Technology Liaison to Science", "email": "sgrant@fieldmuseum.org" } ], "data_rights": "CC0", "publisher": "50ac82da-811d-4440-b1a7-d3a35a8c5f89", "totalCount": 77865 } }