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Specimen Record
No Name
From Non-vertebrate Paleontology, Jackson School Museum of Earth History, University of Texas at Austin
Continent | North America |
Country | United States |
State/Province | Texas |
County/Parish | Kimble |
Locality | 134-t-17, Llano River, 1.0 Mi Below Camp Walton |
Latitude | 30.6095 |
Longitude | -99.552 |
Catalog Number | P0000009106.000 |
From Recordset
Records of specimens ranging in age from the Precambrian to the recent (Holocene) with strong Paleozoic, Cretaceous and Paleogene/Neogene components. Taxonomic emphasis includes, echinoderms, brachiopods, molluscs, corals and sponges. Geographic spread is global with about 60% of the collection deriving from Texas. Substantial holdings come from Mexico, Europe and Australia.
Name | Lisa Boucher |
Role | Curator |
lisadboucher@austin.utexas.edu |
Name | Liath Appleton |
Role | Collections Manager |
liathappleton@austin.utexas.edu |
Name | Tomislav Urban |
Role | Senior Software Developer |
turban@tacc.utexas.edu |
Name | Liath Appleton |
Role | Collections Manager |
liathappleton@austin.utexas.edu |
- Data
- Flags
- Raw
Type | Description |
geopoint_datum_missing | Geographic Coordinate is missing Geodetic Datum (dwc:geodeticDatum) (Assumed to be WGS84). |
dwc_continent_added | Darwin Core Continent (dwc:continent) added where none was provided. |
idigbio_isocountrycode_added | iDigBio ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 Country Code added. |
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But the Strawn group only crops out in a limited stretch of the Llano River.", "dwc:decimalLatitude": "30.6095000000", "dwc:locationID": "3408dae6-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676", "dwc:basisOfRecord": "FossilSpecimen", "dwc:preparations": "Dry - 1", "dwc:geologicalContextID": "33bfb2d0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676", "dwc:eventID": "515120c1-bc56-11e4-aff7-782bcb9cd5b5", "dwc:locality": "134-T-17, Llano River, 1.0 mi below Camp Walton", "dwc:locationRemarks": "Could not find any mention of Camp Walton in Kimble County", "dwc:formation": "Strawn Formation", "dwc:catalogNumber": "P0000009106.000", "dwc:higherGeography": "Kimble, Texas, United States", "dwc:decimalLongitude": "-99.5520000000", "dwc:verbatimLocality": "134-T-17 1 miles below Camp Walton, on Llano Rv.. [Kimble County, Texas USA ]", "dwc:earliestEraOrLowestErathem": "Paleozoic", "dwc:occurrenceID": "320dacd0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676", "dwc:ResourceRelationship": [ { "coreid": "320dacd0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676", "dwc:relationshipOfResource": "sameAs", "dwc:relatedResourceID": "320dacd0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676" } ] }, "indexTerms": { "geologicalcontextid": "33bfb2d0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676", "recordset": "7b0809fb-fd62-4733-8f40-74ceb04cbcac", "dqs": 0.2318840579710145, "stateprovince": "texas", "county": "kimble", "earliestperiodorlowestsystem": "carboniferous-pennsylvanian", "catalognumber": "p0000009106.000", "verbatimlocality": "134-t-17 1 miles below camp walton, on llano rv.. [kimble county, texas usa ]", "group": "strawn group", "uuid": "0036f73c-70f9-4785-88d7-20d9d396bd0e", "countrycode": "usa", "basisofrecord": "fossilspecimen", "continent": "north america", "etag": "8490cae117e5603021d3b27676476d643a2e4f17", "flags": [ "geopoint_datum_missing", "dwc_continent_added", "idigbio_isocountrycode_added" ], "hasMedia": false, "hasImage": false, "earliesteraorlowesterathem": "paleozoic", "formation": "strawn formation", "locality": "134-t-17, llano river, 1.0 mi below camp walton", "datemodified": "2021-04-19T22:02:30.923885+00:00", "occurrenceid": "320dacd0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676", "country": "united states", "geopoint": { "lat": 30.6095, "lon": -99.552 }, "fieldnumber": "npl1-056687", "recordids": [ "7b0809fb-fd62-4733-8f40-74ceb04cbcac\\320dacd0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676" ], "indexData": { "dwc:county": "Kimble", "idigbio:uuid": "0036f73c-70f9-4785-88d7-20d9d396bd0e", "dwc:fieldNumber": "NPL1-056687", "idigbio:recordIds": [ "7b0809fb-fd62-4733-8f40-74ceb04cbcac\\320dacd0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676" ], "dwc:group": "Strawn Group", "id": "320dacd0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676", "idigbio:parent": "7b0809fb-fd62-4733-8f40-74ceb04cbcac", "dwc:stateProvince": "Texas", "dwc:country": "United States", "dwc:earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem": "Carboniferous-Pennsylvanian", "idigbio:etag": "8490cae117e5603021d3b27676476d643a2e4f17", "dwc:georeferenceRemarks": "[Tim Williams: Could not find any mention of Camp Walton in Kimble County]. But the Strawn group only crops out in a limited stretch of the Llano River.", "dwc:decimalLatitude": "30.6095000000", "dwc:locationID": "3408dae6-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676", "dwc:basisOfRecord": "FossilSpecimen", "dwc:continent": "north america", "dwc:preparations": "Dry - 1", "flag_dwc_continent_added": true, "dwc:geologicalContextID": "33bfb2d0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676", "idigbio:siblings": {}, "flag_idigbio_isocountrycode_added": true, "dwc:eventID": "515120c1-bc56-11e4-aff7-782bcb9cd5b5", "idigbio:dateModified": "2021-04-19T22:02:30.923885", "dwc:locality": "134-T-17, Llano River, 1.0 mi below Camp Walton", "dwc:locationRemarks": "Could not find any mention of Camp Walton in Kimble County", "dwc:formation": "Strawn Formation", "dwc:catalogNumber": "P0000009106.000", "dwc:higherGeography": "Kimble, Texas, United States", "dwc:decimalLongitude": "-99.5520000000", "dwc:verbatimLocality": "134-T-17 1 miles below Camp Walton, on Llano Rv.. [Kimble County, Texas USA ]", "idigbio:isocountrycode": "usa", "dwc:earliestEraOrLowestErathem": "Paleozoic", "dwc:occurrenceID": "320dacd0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676", "dwc:ResourceRelationship": [ { "coreid": "320dacd0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676", "dwc:relatedResourceID": "320dacd0-0068-11e3-85b8-002219aba676", "dwc:relationshipOfResource": "sameAs" } ] } }, "attribution": { "uuid": "7b0809fb-fd62-4733-8f40-74ceb04cbcac", "name": "Non-vertebrate Paleontology, Jackson School Museum of Earth History, University of Texas at Austin", "description": "Records of specimens ranging in age from the Precambrian to the recent (Holocene) with strong Paleozoic, Cretaceous and Paleogene/Neogene components. Taxonomic emphasis includes, echinoderms, brachiopods, molluscs, corals and sponges. Geographic spread is global with about 60% of the collection deriving from Texas. Substantial holdings come from Mexico, Europe and Australia.", "url": "http://www.jsg.utexas.edu/npl/", "emllink": "https://ipt.tacc.utexas.edu/eml.do?r=npl", "archivelink": "https://ipt.tacc.utexas.edu/archive.do?r=npl", "contacts": [ { "first_name": "Lisa", "last_name": "Boucher", "role": "Curator", "email": "lisadboucher@austin.utexas.edu" }, { "first_name": "Liath", "last_name": "Appleton", "role": "Collections Manager", "email": "liathappleton@austin.utexas.edu" }, { "first_name": "Tomislav", "last_name": "Urban", "role": "Senior Software Developer", "email": "turban@tacc.utexas.edu" }, { "first_name": "Liath", "last_name": "Appleton", "role": "Collections Manager", "email": "liathappleton@austin.utexas.edu" } ], "data_rights": "CC0", "publisher": "5ded2005-0563-4737-9830-e951dab59c66", "totalCount": 159317 } }