База данных ископаемых:
Параметры поиска
Specimen Record
No Name
From NMNH Paleobiology Specimen Records (USNM)
Continent | North America |
Country | Panama |
State/Province | Canal Zone |
Locality | Panama Canal Zone. Near Mount Hope, Gather From Ditch Through Swampy Ground About 1/4 Mile From Present Sea Beach And About 6-8 Feet Above High Tide. (lot #14-a) |
Latitude | 9.33989 |
Longitude | -79.9003 |
Institution Code | Usnm |
Collection Code | Pal |
Catalog Number | Usnm Pal765651 |
Date Collected | 1911-04-27 |
From Recordset
Public records from the Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. These data cover accessioned specimens representing fossil invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants from all over the world and include more than 139,000 paleobiological type specimen records.
Name | Thomas Orrell |
Role | Deputy Director, Research Informatics Program |
orrellt@si.edu |
Name | Informatics and Data Science Center - Digital Stewardship |
Role | IPT Administrator |
informaticshelp@si.edu |
Name | Thomas Orrell |
Role | Deputy Director, Research Informatics Program |
orrellt@si.edu |
Name | Informatics Office |
Role | IPT Administrator |
informaticshelp@si.edu |
Name | Holly Little |
Role | Collections Management |
littleh@si.edu |
Name | Thomas Orrell |
Role | Deputy Director, Research Informatics Program |
orrellt@si.edu |
Name | Informatics and Data Science Center - Digital Stewardship |
Role | IPT Administrator |
informaticshelp@si.edu |
- Data
- Flags
- Raw
Type | Description |
geopoint_datum_error | Geographic Coordinate Datum (dwc:geodeticDatum) is Unknown or coordinate cannot be converted to WGS84. |
idigbio_isocountrycode_added | iDigBio ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 Country Code added. |
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(Lot #14-a)", "dwc:institutionID": "http://biocol.org/urn:lsid:biocol.org:col:34871", "dwc:associatedMedia": "https://collections.nmnh.si.edu/media/?i=14867983; 14867987", "dwc:geodeticDatum": "WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)", "dwc:catalogNumber": "USNM PAL765651", "dwc:higherGeography": "North America, Panama, Canal Zone", "dwc:endDayOfYear": "120", "dwc:decimalLongitude": "-79.9003", "dwc:datasetName": "NMNH Paleobiology (USNM)", "dwc:month": "4", "dwc:verbatimEventDate": "1911 April", "dwc:earliestEraOrLowestErathem": "Cenozoic", "dwc:georeferenceProtocol": "Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide (2020)", "dcterms:modified": "2024-08-03 22:06:00", "dwc:year": "1911" }, "indexTerms": { "individualcount": 1, "recordset": "6c6f34ed-58a4-4ba2-b9c7-34524f79a349", "dqs": 0.3333333333333333, "stateprovince": "canal zone", "earliestepochorlowestseries": "pleistocene", "earliestperiodorlowestsystem": "quaternary", "catalognumber": "usnm pal765651", "startdayofyear": 117, "continent": "north america", "uuid": "003852fa-000b-4579-bdf9-a32c7d4cdb51", "countrycode": "pan", "basisofrecord": "fossilspecimen", "institutioncode": "usnm", "mediarecords": [ "25384940-547a-409c-900c-9808e9aec3c0", "108b2fa9-9ecc-405a-a046-21efe7fca1e2" ], "latestperiodorhighestsystem": "quaternary", "datecollected": "1911-04-27T00:00:00+00:00", "etag": "1cc7cd0401e66504196424779a11096bd051a420", "hasMedia": true, "hasImage": true, "collectionid": "urn:uuid:ce595e88-ceba-42c0-a3ff-cd55b694fac", "earliesteraorlowesterathem": "cenozoic", "locality": "panama canal zone. near mount hope, gather from ditch through swampy ground about 1/4 mile from present sea beach and about 6-8 feet above high tide. (lot #14-a)", "latesteraorhighesterathem": "cenozoic", "datemodified": "2025-01-23T20:27:38.147078+00:00", "occurrenceid": "http://n2t.net/ark:/65665/332310c38-8e89-4ba5-94bc-3b09b90dd61a", "institutionid": "http://biocol.org/urn:lsid:biocol.org:col:34871", "country": "panama", "geopoint": { "lat": 9.33989, "lon": -79.9003 }, "collectioncode": "pal", "latestepochorhighestseries": "pleistocene", "flags": [ "geopoint_datum_error", "idigbio_isocountrycode_added" ], "verbatimeventdate": "1911 april", "recordids": [ "6c6f34ed-58a4-4ba2-b9c7-34524f79a349\\http://n2t.net/ark:/65665/332310c38-8e89-4ba5-94bc-3b09b90dd61a" ], "eventdate": "1911-04", "indexData": { "dwc:startDayOfYear": "120", "dwc:geodeticDatum": "WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)", "dwc:latestPeriodOrHighestSystem": "Quaternary", "idigbio:uuid": "003852fa-000b-4579-bdf9-a32c7d4cdb51", "dwc:individualCount": "1", "idigbio:recordIds": [ "6c6f34ed-58a4-4ba2-b9c7-34524f79a349\\http://n2t.net/ark:/65665/332310c38-8e89-4ba5-94bc-3b09b90dd61a" ], "dwc:occurrenceID": "http://n2t.net/ark:/65665/332310c38-8e89-4ba5-94bc-3b09b90dd61a", "dwc:verbatimEventDate": "1911 April", "id": "http://n2t.net/ark:/65665/332310c38-8e89-4ba5-94bc-3b09b90dd61a", "idigbio:parent": "6c6f34ed-58a4-4ba2-b9c7-34524f79a349", "dwc:stateProvince": "Canal Zone", "dwc:eventDate": "1911-04", "dwc:collectionID": "urn:uuid:ce595e88-ceba-42c0-a3ff-cd55b694fac", "dwc:country": "Panama", "dwc:earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem": "Quaternary", "idigbio:etag": "1cc7cd0401e66504196424779a11096bd051a420", "dwc:collectionCode": "PAL", "dwc:decimalLatitude": "9.33989", "dwc:occurrenceRemarks": "EMu record was created as part of the Smithsonian Institution Digitization Program Office (SI DPO) mass digitization project to support the National Science Foundation Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections Eastern Pacific Invertebrates of the Cenozoic Collaborative Thematic Collections Network (NSF ADBC EPICC TCN).", "dwc:locationID": "5850", "dwc:basisOfRecord": "FossilSpecimen", "dwc:continent": "North America", "dwc:latestEpochOrHighestSeries": "Pleistocene", "idigbio:siblings": { "mediarecord": [ "25384940-547a-409c-900c-9808e9aec3c0", "108b2fa9-9ecc-405a-a046-21efe7fca1e2" ] }, "flag_idigbio_isocountrycode_added": true, "dwc:latestEraOrHighestErathem": "Cenozoic", "idigbio:dateModified": "2025-01-23T20:27:38.147078", "dwc:locality": "Panama Canal Zone. 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