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Specimen Record
Taxon undetermined
From Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
Continent | North America |
Country | United States |
State/Province | South Dakota |
County/Parish | Ziebach County |
Locality | Conc., Richly Fossiliferous Conc Zone About 15 Ft Above Large-conc Layer, Bluffs S Of The Moreau River, Between The Forks Of The County Roads Leading Nw To The Village And N To The Bridge, And About 1 Mi Se Of Thunder Butte Village |
Latitude | 45.204829 |
Longitude | -101.66016 |
Institution Code | Ypm |
Collection Code | Ip |
Catalog Number | Ypm Ip 591152 |
Collected By | Ian G. Speden |
Date Collected | 1962-02-08 |
From Recordset
The Yale Peabody Museum's collection of invertebrate fossils is one of largest in the United States, in volume and in geographic, stratigraphic and taxonomic representation. The holdings of the Division of Invertebrate Paleontology represent more than 350,000 specimen lots, approximately 4 million individuals. A total of 35,000 are type specimens; about 4,500 are the basis of new species descriptions. Over 300,000 specimen lots are available in the online specimen index; all known type specimens are included.
Name | Larry Gall |
Role | Head, Computer Systems Office |
lawrence.gall@yale.edu |
Name | Larry Gall |
Role | Head, Computer Systems Office |
lawrence.gall@yale.edu |
Name | Larry Gall |
Role | Head, Computer Systems Office |
lawrence.gall@yale.edu |
Name | Susan Butts |
Role | Division of Invertebrate Paleontology |
susan.butts@yale.edu |
- Data
- Flags
- Raw
Type | Description |
dwc_country_replaced | Darwin Core Country (dwc:country) replaced with a standardized value from Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names. |
idigbio_isocountrycode_added | iDigBio ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 Country Code added. |
{ "uuid": "003a451a-06d8-4e86-8faf-845a3dac680e", "type": "records", "etag": "8dceaf8a493253799c0880399637db47bca992cc", "data": { "dwc:county": "Ziebach County", "dwc:recordedBy": "Ian G. 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The holdings of the Division of Invertebrate Paleontology represent more than 350,000 specimen lots, approximately 4 million individuals. A total of 35,000 are type specimens; about 4,500 are the basis of new species descriptions. Over 300,000 specimen lots are available in the online specimen index; all known type specimens are included.", "logo": "http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/ipt/logo.do?r=ipt_ip", "url": "", "emllink": "http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/ipt/eml.do?r=ipt_ip", "archivelink": "http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/ipt/archive.do?r=ipt_ip", "contacts": [ { "first_name": "Larry", "last_name": "Gall", "role": "Head, Computer Systems Office", "email": "lawrence.gall@yale.edu" }, { "first_name": "Larry", "last_name": "Gall", "role": "Head, Computer Systems Office", "email": "lawrence.gall@yale.edu" }, { "first_name": "Larry", "last_name": "Gall", "role": "Head, Computer Systems Office", "email": "lawrence.gall@yale.edu" }, { "first_name": "Susan", "last_name": "Butts", "role": "Division of Invertebrate Paleontology", "email": "susan.butts@yale.edu" } ], "data_rights": "CC0", "publisher": "0bdd6e08-91e3-4ef0-a14f-7a987f9e9362", "totalCount": 554993 } }