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Specimen Record
Aetobatus narinari(Euphrasen, 1790)
From University of Florida Vertebrate Paleontology
Continent | North America |
Country | United States |
State/Province | Florida |
County/Parish | Polk |
Locality | Tiger Bay Mine |
Latitude | 27.81 |
Longitude | -81.85 |
Institution Code | Uf |
Collection Code | Uf/tro |
Catalog Number | 18712 |
Collected By | Timberlane Research Organization Crew |
From Recordset
University of Florida Vertebrate Paleontology
Name | Richard Hulbert |
Role | Collection Manager |
rhulbert@flmnh.ufl.edu |
Name | OMT FLMNH |
Role | none |
netadmin@flmnh.ufl.edu |
Name | OMT FLMNH |
Role | none |
netadmin@flmnh.ufl.edu |
Name | Richard Hulbert |
Role | Collection Manager |
rhulbert@flmnh.ufl.edu |
- Data
- Flags
- Raw
Type | Description |
geopoint_low_precision | Geographic Coordinate contains a Low Precision value. |
dwc_taxonrank_added | Darwin Core Taxon Rank (dwc:taxonRank) added where none was provided. |
dwc_originalnameusageid_added | Darwin Core Original Name Usage ID (dwc:originalNameUsageID) added where none was provided. |
dwc_multimedia_added | TBD |
gbif_reference_added | GBIF Reference added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy |
gbif_canonicalname_added | GBIF Canonical Name added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_taxonomicstatus_added | Darwin Core Taxonomic Status (dwc:taxonomicStatus) added where none was provided. |
gbif_genericname_added | GBIF Generic Name added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_datasetid_added | Darwin Core Dataset ID (dwc:datasetID) added where none was provided. |
gbif_vernacularname_added | GBIF Vernacular Name (common name) added. |
dwc_country_replaced | Darwin Core Country (dwc:country) replaced with a standardized value from Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names. |
dwc_taxonid_added | Darwin Core Taxon ID (dwc:taxonID) added where none was provided. |
idigbio_isocountrycode_added | iDigBio ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 Country Code added. |
gbif_taxon_corrected | A match in GBIF Backbone Taxonomy was found. Inverse of taxon_match_failed flag. |
dwc_scientificnameauthorship_added | Darwin Core Scientific Name Authorship (dwc:scientificNameAuthorship) added where none was provided. |
dwc_class_replaced | Darwin Core Class (dwc:class) replaced with a standardized value from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_parentnameusageid_added | Darwin Core Parent Name Usage ID (dwc:parentNameUsageID) added where none was provided. |
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(1993) una nueva mirada a los peces comerciales del caribe continental colombiano.: an. inst. invest. mar. punta bull. 22:129-135." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "ahmad, a., a.a. abdul haris hilmi, a.c. gambang, s. ahemad and a.r. solahuddin (eds.) (2004) elasmobranch resources, utilization, trade and management in malaysia.: marine fishery resources development and management department, southeast asian fisheries development center." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "akimichi, t. and s. sauchomal (1982) satawalese fish names.: micronesica 18(2):1-34." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "anderson, c. and a. hafiz (1987) common reef fishes of the maldives. part 1.: novelty press, republic of maldives. 83 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "anonymous (1968) kerala fisheries (facts and figures).: kerala, superintendent government press." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "anonymous (1994) atlas pesquero de méxico.: instituto nacional de la pesca. 234 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "assadi, h. and r. dehghani p. (1997) atlas of the persian gulf and the sea of oman fishes.: iranian fisheries research and training organization, iran." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "bacchet, p., t. zysman and y. lefèvre (2006) guide des poissons de tahiti et ses îles.: tahiti (polynésie francaise): editions au vent des Îles. 608 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "baldwin, c.c., c.i. castillo, l.a. weigt and b.c. victor (2002) personal communication.: (table sent by the author)." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "béarez, p. (1996) lista de los peces marinos del ecuador continental.: rev. biol. trop. 44(2):731-741." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "bianchi, g. (1985) fao species identification sheets for fishery purposes. field guide to the commercial marine and brackish-water species of tanzania.: prepared and published with the support of tcp/urt/4406 and fao (firm) regular programme. fao, rome. 199 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "böhlke, j.e. and c.c.g. chaplin (1993) fishes of the bahamas and adjacent tropical waters. 2nd edition.: university of texas press, austin." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "bor, p.h.f. (2002) nederlandse naamlijst van de recente haaien en roggen (chondrichthyes: elasmobranchii) van de wereld.: world wide web electronic publication www.rajidae.tmfweb.nl, version (05/2002)." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "bouhlel, m. (1988) poissons de djibouti.: placerville (california, usa): rda international, inc. 416 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "broad, g. (2003) fishes of the philippines.: anvil publishing, inc., pasi city. 510 pp." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "butsch, r.s. (1939) a list of barbadian fishes.: j.b.m.h.s. 7(1):17-31." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "carl, h. (2003) danish fish names.: zoological museum of copenhagen. unpublished." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "carpenter, k.e., f. krupp, d.a. jones and u. zajonz (1997) living marine resources of kuwait, eastern saudi arabia, bahrain, qatar, and the united arab emirates.: fao species identification field guide for fishery purposes. 293p + 17 col. plates. rome, fao." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "chinese academy of fishery sciences (2003) chinese aquatic germplasm resources database.: http://zzzy.fishinfo.cn" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "chirichigno, n.f. (1974) clave para identificar los peces marinos del peru.: inf. inst. mar perú (44):387 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "claro, r. (1994) características generales de la ictiofauna.: p. 55-70. in r. claro (ed.) ecología de los peces marinos de cuba. instituto de oceanología academia de ciencias de cuba and centro de investigaciones de quintana roo." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "compagno, l.j.v. (1986) myliobatidae.: p. 132-134. in m.m. smith and p.c. heemstra (eds.) smiths' sea fishes. springer-verlag, berlin." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "compagno, l.j.v. (1999) checklist of living elasmobranchs.: p. 471-498. in w.c. hamlett (ed.) sharks, skates, and rays: the biology of elasmobranch fishes. johns hopkins university press, maryland." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "compagno, l.j.v. (1999) checklist of living elasmobranchs.: p. 471-498. in w.c. hamlett (ed.) sharks, skates, and rays: the biology of elasmobranch fishes. johns hopkins university press, maryland." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "cornic, a. (1987) poissons de l'ile maurice.: editions de l'océan indien, stanley rose hill, ile maurice. 335 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "crossman, e.j. (1972) collecting trip to st. lucia.: dept. ichthyology & herpetology. 32 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "de boer, b., d. hoogerwerf, i. kristensen and j. post (1973) antillean fish guide.: stinapa no. 7. curaçao (netherlands antilles): caribbean marine biological institute." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "de bruin, g.h.p., b.c. russell and a. bogusch (1995) fao species identification field guide for fishery purposes. the marine fishery resources of sri lanka.: rome, fao. 400 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "de la cruz agüero, j., m. arellano martínez, v.m. cota gómez and g. de la cruz-agüero (1997) catalogo de los peces marinos de baja california sur.: ipn-cicimar, la paz, mexico. p. 346." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "department of fisheries malaysia (2009) valid local name of malaysian marine fishes.: department of fisheries malaysia. ministry of agriculture and agro-based industry. 180 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "duong, t.t. (2001) mot so loai ca thuong gap o bien viet nam (viet nam's common marine fishes catalogue).: ministry of fisheries of viet nam-fisheries information center of viet nam. 195 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "erdman, d.s. (1983) nombres vulgares de los peces en puerto rico (common names of fishes in puerto rico).: commonwealth of puerto rico. technical report, vol 3. no. 2, second revised edition. 44 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "fao-fies (2015) aquatic sciences and fisheries information system (asfis) species list.: retrieved from http://www.fao.org/fishery/collection/asfis/en, [accessed 13/04/2015]." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "ferreira, a.b.d.h. (1999) dicionário aurélio electrônico - século xxi.: rio de janeiro, brasil, lexicon informática ltda." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "ferreira, a.b.h. (1986) novo dicionario da lingua portuguesa.: editora nova fronteira. rio de janeiro. 1838 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "fischer, w., i. sousa, c. silva, a. de freitas, j.m. poutiers, w. schneider, t.c. borges, j.p. feral and a. massinga (1990) fichas fao de identificaçao de espécies para actividades de pesca. guia de campo das espécies comerciais marinhas e de águas salobras de moçambique.: publicaçao preparada em collaboraçao com o instituto de investigaçao pesquiera de moçambique, com financiamento do projecto pnud/fao moz/86/030 e de norad. roma, fao. 1990. 424 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "foale, s. (1998) what's in a name? an analysis of the west nggela (solomon islands) fish taxonomy.: spc traditional marine resource management and knowledge information bulletin no. 9:3-19." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "fouda, m.m. and g.v. hermosa jr. (1993) a checklist of oman fishes.: sultan qaboos university press, sultanate of oman. 42 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "fourmanoir, p.m., m. gressinger and y. plessis (1974) faune ichthyologique des gambiers.: cahiers du pacifique 2/18:543-559." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "fricke, r. (1999) fishes of the mascarene islands (réunion, mauritius, rodriguez): an annotated checklist, with descriptions of new species.: koeltz scientific books, koenigstein, theses zoologicae, vol. 31:759 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "world register of marine species", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "froese, r. & d. pauly (editors). (2016). fishbase. world wide web electronic publication." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "ganaden, s.r. and f. lavapie-gonzales (1999) common and local names of marine fishes of the philippines.: bureau of fisheries and aquatic resources, philippines. 385 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "glaesel, h. (1997) they're not just 'samaki': towards an understanding of fisher vocabulary on the kenya coast.: aap 51:165-179." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "grabda, e. and t. heese (1991) polskie nazewnictwo popularne kraglouste i ryby. cyclostomata et pisces.: wyzsza szkola inzynierska w koszalinie. koszalin, poland. 171 p. (in polish)." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "grove, j.s. and r.j. lavenberg (1997) the fishes of the galápagos islands.: stanford university press, stanford, 863 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "hanel, l. and j. novák (2002) ceské názvy zivocichu v. ryby a ryboviti obratlovci (pisces) 3., maloústí (gonorhynchiformes) - máloostní (cypriniformes).: národní muzeum (zoologické oddelení), praha." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "helfman, g.s. and j.e. randall (1973) palauan fish names.: pac. sci. 27(2):136-153." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "herre, a.w.c.t. and a.f. umali (1948) english and local common names of philippine fishes.: u. s. dept. of interior and fish and wildl. serv. circular no. 14, u. s. gov't printing office, washington. 128 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "hla win, u. (1987) checklist of fishes of burma.: ministry of livestock breeding and fisheries, department of fisheries, burma." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "hoese, d.f., d.j. bray, j.r. paxton and g.r. allen (2006) fishes.: in beasley, o.l. and a. wells (eds.) zoological catalogue of australia. volume 35.2 australia: abrs & csiro publishing, 1472 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "humann, p. and n. deloach (1993) reef fish identification. galápagos.: new world publications, inc., florida. 267 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "kailola, p.j. (1987) the fishes of papua new guinea. a revised and annotated checklist. vol. 1. myxinidae to synbranchidae.: research bulletin no. 41. department of fisheries and marine resources, port moresby, papua new guinea. 194 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "kharbhari, j.p. (1982) marine fisheries information services india.: central marine fisheries research institute:18-23." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "khin, u. (1948) fisheries in burma.: gov't. printing, rangoon. 180 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "kotlyar, a.n. (1984) dictionary of names of marine fishes on the six languages.: all union research institute of marine fisheries and oceanography, moscow. 288 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "kullander, s.o. 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(1999) latin-chinese dictionary of fishes names.: the sueichan press, taiwan. 1028 p." }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "zaneveld, j.s. 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"aigle de mer tacheté", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "fr" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "br", "dwc:country": "brazil", "dwc:vernacularname": "ajeru", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "pt" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "br", "dwc:country": "brazil", "dwc:vernacularname": "ajuru", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "pt" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:language": "nl", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "arendskoprog" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "br", "dwc:country": "brazil", "dwc:vernacularname": "arraia-morcego", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "pt" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "br", "dwc:country": "brazil", "dwc:vernacularname": "arraia-pintada", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "pt" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "br", "dwc:country": "brazil", "dwc:vernacularname": "arraia", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "pt" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "philippines", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "bagtau", "dwc:countrycode": "ph" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "philippines", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "banagun", "dwc:countrycode": "ph" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "philippines", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "banugon", "dwc:countrycode": "ph" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "philippines", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "banugon", "dwc:countrycode": "ph" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "cu", "dwc:country": "cuba", "dwc:vernacularname": "bishop ray", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "en" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "in", "dwc:country": "india", "dwc:vernacularname": "bolad", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "mr" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:language": "en", "dcterms:source": "integrated taxonomic information system (itis)", "dwc:vernacularname": "bonnetray" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "au", "dwc:country": "australia", "dwc:vernacularname": "bonnet skate", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "en" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "my", "dwc:country": "malaysia", "dwc:vernacularname": "bonnet skate", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "en" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "mu", "dwc:country": "mauritius", "dwc:vernacularname": "bonnet skate", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "en" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "philippines", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "bulik", "dwc:countrycode": "ph" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "br", "dwc:country": "brazil", "dwc:vernacularname": "cação anjo", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "pt" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "vn", "dwc:country": "viet nam", "dwc:vernacularname": "cá duôi o", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "vi" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "vn", "dwc:country": "viet nam", "dwc:vernacularname": "cá Ó sao", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "vi" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "in", "dwc:country": "india", "dwc:vernacularname": "chili", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "or" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "palau", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "chochaio", "dwc:countrycode": "pw" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "do", "dwc:country": "dominican republic", "dwc:vernacularname": "chucho", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "es" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "mx", "dwc:country": "mexico", "dwc:vernacularname": "chucho", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "es" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "pr", "dwc:country": "puerto rico", "dwc:vernacularname": "chucho", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "es" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:language": "es", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "chucho pintado" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "co", "dwc:country": "colombia", "dwc:vernacularname": "chucho pintado", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "es" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "ec", "dwc:country": "ecuador", "dwc:vernacularname": "chucho pintado", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "es" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:language": "es", "dcterms:source": "integrated taxonomic information system (itis)", "dwc:vernacularname": "chucho pintado" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "mx", "dwc:country": "mexico", "dwc:vernacularname": "chucho pintado", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "es" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "ve", "dwc:country": "venezuela, bolivarian republic of", "dwc:vernacularname": "chucho pintado", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "es" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:language": "es", "dcterms:source": "world register of marine species", "dwc:vernacularname": "chucho pintado" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "chuchu agila" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "chuchu águila" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "in", "dwc:country": "india", "dwc:vernacularname": "curooway-tiriki", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "ta" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "lk", "dwc:country": "sri lanka", "dwc:vernacularname": "curooway-tiriki", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "ta" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "ph", "dwc:country": "philippines", "dwc:vernacularname": "dalimanok", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "tl" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "comoros", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "djiwala", "dwc:countrycode": "km" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "au", "dwc:country": "australia", "dwc:vernacularname": "duckbill eagle-ray", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "en" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "au", "dwc:country": "australia", "dwc:vernacularname": "duckbill ray", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "en" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "my", "dwc:country": "malaysia", "dwc:vernacularname": "duckbill ray", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "en" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "my", "dwc:country": "malaysia", 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"dcterms:language": "te" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "pf", "dwc:country": "french polynesia", "dwc:vernacularname": "'ei'ei manu", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "ty" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "micronesia, federated states of", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "faaiy", "dwc:countrycode": "fm" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "tokelau", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "fafalua", "dwc:countrycode": "tk" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "french polynesia", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "fai 'e'emanu", "dwc:countrycode": "pf" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "ws", "dwc:country": "samoa", "dwc:vernacularname": "fai-manu", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "sm" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "pf", "dwc:country": "french polynesia", "dwc:vernacularname": "fai manu", "coreid": "2419231", 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"dwc:vernacularname": "hai manu", "dwc:countrycode": "pf" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "french polynesia", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "heiheimanu", "dwc:countrycode": "pf" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "united states", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "hihimanu", "dwc:countrycode": "us" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:language": "mh", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "imil" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:language": "mh", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "jimojo" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "comoros", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "jiwala", "dwc:countrycode": "km" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "in", "dwc:country": "india", "dwc:vernacularname": "kakkathirandi", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "ml" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "kenya", 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"nc" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "cu", "dwc:country": "cuba", "dwc:vernacularname": "obispo", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "es" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:language": "es", "dcterms:source": "integrated taxonomic information system (itis)", "dwc:vernacularname": "obispo" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "mx", "dwc:country": "mexico", "dwc:vernacularname": "obispo", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "es" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "pl", "dwc:country": "poland", "dwc:vernacularname": "orlen centkowany", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "pl" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "philippines", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "pagi-manok", "dwc:countrycode": "ph" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "philippines", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "paging dalimanok", "dwc:countrycode": "ph" }, { 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"dcterms:language": "pt" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "br", "dwc:country": "brazil", "dwc:vernacularname": "raia-pintada", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "pt" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "fr", "dwc:country": "france", "dwc:vernacularname": "raie aigle", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "fr" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "mu", "dwc:country": "mauritius", "dwc:vernacularname": "raie chauve-souris", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "fr" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "sc", "dwc:country": "seychelles", "dwc:vernacularname": "raie chauve-souris", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "fr" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "fr", "dwc:country": "france", "dwc:vernacularname": "raie léopard", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "fr" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "mv", "dwc:country": "maldives", 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"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "bn" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:language": "cs", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "siba běloskvrnná" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "bb", "dwc:country": "barbados", "dwc:vernacularname": "skate", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "en" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "za", "dwc:country": "south africa", "dwc:vernacularname": "spikkel-arendrog", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "af" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "za", "dwc:country": "south africa", "dwc:vernacularname": "spotted bonnetray", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "en" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "my", "dwc:country": "malaysia", "dwc:vernacularname": "spotted duckbilled ray", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "en" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "cu", "dwc:country": "cuba", 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"dcterms:language": "en" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:language": "en", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "sunfish" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "tanzania, united republic of", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "taachui", "dwc:countrycode": "tz" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "comoros", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "taa", "dwc:countrycode": "km" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "philippines", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "tagabobon", "dwc:countrycode": "ph" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "philippines", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "taligmanok", "dwc:countrycode": "ph" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "french polynesia", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "tapereta", "dwc:countrycode": "pf" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "ee", "dwc:country": "estonia", 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"catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "ml" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "in", "dwc:country": "india", "dwc:vernacularname": "പുളളികാക്കതിരണ്ടി", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "ml" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "in", "dwc:country": "india", "dwc:vernacularname": "പുള്ളി കാക്ക തിരണ്ടി", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "ml" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "in", "dwc:country": "india", "dwc:vernacularname": "വവാല്", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "ml" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "in", "dwc:country": "india", "dwc:vernacularname": "വാവല്", "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "ml" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "china", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "納氏鷂鱝", "dwc:countrycode": "cn" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "china", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "纳氏鹞鲼", "dwc:countrycode": "cn" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "chinese taipei", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "雪花鴨嘴燕魟", "dwc:countrycode": "tw" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dcterms:language": "zh", "dcterms:source": "taiwanese iucn species list", "dwc:vernacularname": "雪花鴨嘴燕魟" }, { "coreid": "2419231", "dwc:country": "china", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dwc:vernacularname": "雪花鸭嘴燕魟", "dwc:countrycode": "cn" } ], "dwc:class": "Elasmobranchii", "dwc:genus": "Aetobatus", "dwc:phylum": "Chordata", "dwc:taxonID": "2419231", "dwc:namePublishedInYear": "1790", "dwc:scientificNameAuthorship": "(Euphrasen, 1790)", "dwc:taxonRank": "species", "dwc:kingdom": "Animalia", "dwc:family": "Myliobatidae", "dwc:scientificName": "Aetobatus narinari", "dwc:specificEpithet": "narinari", "dwc:order": "Myliobatiformes" }, "taxonomicstatus": "accepted", "coordinateuncertainty": 4500, "occurrenceid": 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"family": "myliobatidae", "class": "elasmobranchii", "order": "myliobatiformes" }, "attribution": { "uuid": "f9a33279-d6ba-41c7-a511-ef6adfcb6e20", "name": "University of Florida Vertebrate Paleontology", "description": "University of Florida Vertebrate Paleontology", "url": "", "emllink": "https://ipt.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/ipt/eml.do?r=ufvp", "archivelink": "https://ipt.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/ipt/archive.do?r=ufvp", "contacts": [ { "first_name": "Richard", "last_name": "Hulbert", "role": "Collection Manager", "email": "rhulbert@flmnh.ufl.edu" }, { "first_name": "OMT", "last_name": "FLMNH", "email": "netadmin@flmnh.ufl.edu" }, { "first_name": "OMT", "last_name": "FLMNH", "email": "netadmin@flmnh.ufl.edu" }, { "first_name": "Richard", "last_name": "Hulbert", "role": "Collection Manager", "email": "rhulbert@flmnh.ufl.edu" } ], "data_rights": "CC4 BY-NC", "publisher": "350857a8-4940-4d02-ad42-49557f8006f1", "totalCount": 539425 } }