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Specimen Record
Isurus paucusGuitart, 1966
From University of California Museum of Paleontology
Continent | North America |
Country | United States |
State/Province | California |
County/Parish | Santa Barbara County |
Institution Code | Ucmp |
Collection Code | V |
Catalog Number | 299203 |
Collected By | Arnold, R.+hamlin, H. |
From Recordset
The mission of the University of California Museum of Paleontology is to investigate and promote the understanding of the history of life and the diversity of the Earth's biota through research and education.
Name | Joyce Gross |
Role | Programmer |
joyceg@berkeley.edu |
Name | Joyce Gross |
Role | Programmer |
joyceg@berkeley.edu |
Name | Patricia Holroyd |
Role | Museum Scientist |
pholroyd@berkeley.edu |
Name | Diane Erwin |
Role | Senior Museum Scientist for Paleobotany |
dmerwin@berkeley.edu |
Name | Ashley Dineen |
Role | Museum Scientist for Invertebrate Paleontology |
aadineen@berkeley.edu |
- Data
- Flags
- Raw
Type | Description |
gbif_reference_added | GBIF Reference added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy |
dwc_taxonrank_replaced | Darwin Core Taxon Rank (dwc:taxonRank) replaced with a standardized value from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
gbif_genericname_added | GBIF Generic Name added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_datasetid_added | Darwin Core Dataset ID (dwc:datasetID) added where none was provided. |
gbif_taxon_corrected | A match in GBIF Backbone Taxonomy was found. Inverse of taxon_match_failed flag. |
gbif_vernacularname_added | GBIF Vernacular Name (common name) added. |
dwc_scientificnameauthorship_added | Darwin Core Scientific Name Authorship (dwc:scientificNameAuthorship) added where none was provided. |
dwc_taxonid_added | Darwin Core Taxon ID (dwc:taxonID) added where none was provided. |
idigbio_isocountrycode_added | iDigBio ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 Country Code added. |
dwc_phylum_added | Darwin Core Phylum (dwc:phylum) added where none was provided. |
dwc_multimedia_added | TBD |
gbif_canonicalname_added | GBIF Canonical Name added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_class_replaced | Darwin Core Class (dwc:class) replaced with a standardized value from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_taxonomicstatus_added | Darwin Core Taxonomic Status (dwc:taxonomicStatus) added where none was provided. |
dwc_parentnameusageid_added | Darwin Core Parent Name Usage ID (dwc:parentNameUsageID) added where none was provided. |
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(1986) lamnidae.: p. 98-100. in m.m. smith and p.c. heemstra (eds.) smiths' sea fishes. springer-verlag, berlin." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "bor, p.h.f. (2002) nederlandse naamlijst van de recente haaien en roggen (chondrichthyes: elasmobranchii) van de wereld.: world wide web electronic publication www.rajidae.tmfweb.nl, version (05/2002)." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "bundesanstalt für landwirtschaft und ernährung (2003) verzeichnis der handelsbezeichnungen für erzeugnisse der fischerei und der aquakultur.: retrieved 17 june 2003, from http://www.ble.de." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "carl, h. (2003) danish fish names.: zoological museum of copenhagen. unpublished." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "chinese academy of fishery sciences (2003) chinese aquatic germplasm resources database.: http://zzzy.fishinfo.cn" }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "claro, r. (1994) características generales de la ictiofauna.: p. 55-70. in r. claro (ed.) ecología de los peces marinos de cuba. instituto de oceanología academia de ciencias de cuba and centro de investigaciones de quintana roo." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "claro, r. and l.r. parenti (2001) the marine ichthyofauna of cuba.: p. 21-57. in claro, r., k.c. lindeman and l.r. parenti (eds) ecology of the marine fishes of cuba. smithsonian institution press, wahsington and london. 253p." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "compagno, l.j.v. (1999) checklist of living elasmobranchs.: p. 471-498. in w.c. hamlett (ed.) sharks, skates, and rays: the biology of elasmobranch fishes. johns hopkins university press, maryland." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "department of fisheries malaysia (2009) valid local name of malaysian marine fishes.: department of fisheries malaysia. ministry of agriculture and agro-based industry. 180 p." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "eelurikkus (2015) eelurikkus koondab ühte portaali eesti eluslooduse andmed.: http://elurikkus.ut.ee/" }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "fao-fies (2015) aquatic sciences and fisheries information system (asfis) species list.: retrieved from http://www.fao.org/fishery/collection/asfis/en, [accessed 13/04/2015]." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "world register of marine species", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "froese, r. & d. pauly (editors). (2016). fishbase. world wide web electronic publication." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "george, m.r. and h. zidowitz (2006) checkliste der europäischen knorpelfischarten mit wissenschaftlichen und deutschen namen.: z. fischk. bd. 8 heft 1/2:71-81." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "hoese, d.f., d.j. bray, j.r. paxton and g.r. allen (2006) fishes.: in beasley, o.l. and a. wells (eds.) zoological catalogue of australia. volume 35.2 australia: abrs & csiro publishing, 1472 p." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "jackowski, e. (2001) nazewnictwo ryb. mag. przem. ryb. gdynia.: to be filled. issn 1428-362x." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "kullander, s.o. (2003) list of swedish names. cd version.: personal communication, september 2003." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "world register of marine species", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "liu j.y. [ruiyu] (ed.). (2008). checklist of marine biota of china seas. <em>china science press.</em> 1267 pp." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "louisy, p. (2001) guide d'identification des poissons marins. europe et méditerranée.: paris: eds. eugène ulmer." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "world register of marine species", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "mceachran, j. d. 2009. fishes (vertebrata: pisces) of the gulf of mexico, pp. 1223–1316 in felder, d.l. and d.k. camp (eds.), gulf of mexico–origins, waters, and biota. biodiversity. texas a&m press, college station, texas." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "nakaya, k. (1984) lamnidae.: p. 8-9. in h. masuda, k. amaoka, c. araga, t. uyeno and t. yoshino (eds.) fishes of the japanese archipelago. tokai univ. press, tokyo, japan. 437 p, 370 pls." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "page, l.m., h. espinosa-pérez, l.t. findley, c.r. gilbert, r.n. lea, n.e. mandrak, r.l. mayden and j.s. nelson (2013) common and scientific names of fishes from the united states, canada and mexico, 7th edition.: bethesda, maryland: american fisheries society, special publication 34, 384 p." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "reiner, f. (1996) catálogo dos peixes do arquipélago de cabo verde.: publ. avuls. inst. port. invest. mar. 2:339 p." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "sanches, j.g. (1989) nomenclatura portuguesa de organismos aquáticos (proposta para normalizaçao estatística).: publicaçoes avulsas do i.n.i.p. no. 14. 322 p." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "sánchez, a.c. (1997) listado taxonomico de las especies marinas identificadas en los océanos pacífico y atlántico (caribe) de nicaragua.: ministerio de economía y desarrollo. mede pesca. managua. 28 p." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "szpilman, m. (2000) peixes marinhos do brasil: guia prático de identificação.: rio de janeiro, instituto ecológico aqualung. 288 p." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "world register of marine species", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "van der land, j.; costello, m.j.; zavodnik, d.; santos, r.s.; porteiro, f.m.; bailly, n.; eschmeyer, w.n.; froese, r. (2001). pisces, <b><i>in</i></b>: costello, m.j. <i>et al.</i> (ed.) (2001). <i>european register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. collection patrimoines naturels,</i> 50: pp. 357-374" }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "white, w.t., p.r. last, j.d. stevens, g.k. yearsley, fahmi and dharmadi (2006) economically important sharks and rays of indonesia. [hiu dan pari yang bernilai ekonomis penting di indonesia].: australian centre for international agricultural research, canberra, australia." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "wu, h.l., k.-t. shao and c.f. lai (eds.) (1999) latin-chinese dictionary of fishes names.: the sueichan press, taiwan. 1028 p." }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:identifier": "10.12681/mms.87", "dcterms:source": "world register of marine species", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "zenetos, a.; gofas, s.; verlaque, m.; cinar, m.; garcia raso, j.; bianchi, c.; morri, c.; azzurro, e.; bilecenoglu, m.; froglia, c.; siokou, i.; violanti, d.; sfriso, a.; san martin, g.; giangrande, a.; katagan, t.; ballesteros, e.; ramos-espla, a.; mastrototaro, f.; ocana, o.; zingone, a.; gambi, m.; streftaris, n. (2010). alien species in the mediterranean sea by 2010. a contribution to the application of european union’s marine strategy framework directive (msfd). part i. spatial distribution. <em>mediterranean marine science.</em> 11(2): 381-493." } ], "gbif:vernacularname": [ { "dwc:countrycode": "br", "dwc:country": "brazil", "dwc:vernacularname": "anequim-preto", "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "pt" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "jp", "dwc:country": "japan", "dwc:vernacularname": "bake-aozame", "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "ja" }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:language": "ja", "dcterms:source": "world register of marine species", "dwc:vernacularname": "bake-aozame" }, { "dwc:countrycode": "cu", "dwc:country": "cuba", "dwc:vernacularname": "dientuso prieto", "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:source": "catalogue of life", "dcterms:language": "es" }, { "coreid": "5216258", "dcterms:language": "es", 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the understanding of the history of life and the diversity of the Earth's biota through research and education.", "url": "", "emllink": "https://bnhmipt.berkeley.edu/eml.do?r=ucmp", "archivelink": "https://bnhmipt.berkeley.edu/archive.do?r=ucmp", "contacts": [ { "first_name": "Joyce", "last_name": "Gross", "role": "Programmer", "email": "joyceg@berkeley.edu" }, { "first_name": "Joyce", "last_name": "Gross", "role": "Programmer", "email": "joyceg@berkeley.edu" }, { "first_name": "Patricia", "last_name": "Holroyd", "role": "Museum Scientist", "email": "pholroyd@berkeley.edu" }, { "first_name": "Diane", "last_name": "Erwin", "role": "Senior Museum Scientist for Paleobotany", "email": "dmerwin@berkeley.edu" }, { "first_name": "Ashley", "last_name": "Dineen", "role": "Museum Scientist for Invertebrate Paleontology", "email": "aadineen@berkeley.edu" } ], "data_rights": "CC4 BY", "publisher": "552a0e1a-4152-43ae-bad6-9314b4234536", "totalCount": 535601 } }