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Specimen Record
From SDSM Vertebrate Paleontology Collection
Institution Code | Sdsm |
Collection Code | Vertebrate Paleontology |
Catalog Number | 149669 |
Date Collected | 1964-02-10 |
From Recordset
The SDSM Vertebrate Paleontology Collection began in the late 19th century with collections of fossil fauna from the nearby White River Badlands and Western Interior Seaway exposures. Major collections include, but are not limited to, marine vertebrates and associated fauna from the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, terrestrial vertebrates (including dinosaurs) from Jurassic and Cretaceous sites, extensive holdings from the White River Badlands of South Dakota and Nebraska (late Eocene to mid-Oligocene), and late Tertiary to Quaternary collections from the region, including mammoths and other Pleistocene vertebrates.
Name | Gene Hess |
Role | none |
Gene.Hess@sdsmt.edu |
Name | Sally Shelton |
Role | Associate Director |
Sally.Shelton@sdsmt.edu |
Name | Joanna McCaffrey |
Role | Biodiversity Informatics Manager |
jmccaffrey@flmnh.ufl.edu |
Name | Sally Shelton |
Role | Associate Director |
Sally.Shelton@sdsmt.edu |
- Data
- Flags
- Raw
Type | Description |
dwc_taxonrank_added | Darwin Core Taxon Rank (dwc:taxonRank) added where none was provided. |
gbif_reference_added | GBIF Reference added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy |
gbif_genericname_added | GBIF Generic Name added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_genus_added | Darwin Core Genus (dwc:genus) added where none was provided. |
dwc_datasetid_added | Darwin Core Dataset ID (dwc:datasetID) added where none was provided. |
dwc_taxonomicstatus_added | Darwin Core Taxonomic Status (dwc:taxonomicStatus) added where none was provided. |
dwc_parentnameusageid_added | Darwin Core Parent Name Usage ID (dwc:parentNameUsageID) added where none was provided. |
dwc_scientificnameauthorship_added | Darwin Core Scientific Name Authorship (dwc:scientificNameAuthorship) added where none was provided. |
dwc_taxonid_added | Darwin Core Taxon ID (dwc:taxonID) added where none was provided. |
dwc_multimedia_added | TBD |
gbif_taxon_corrected | A match in GBIF Backbone Taxonomy was found. Inverse of taxon_match_failed flag. |
gbif_canonicalname_added | GBIF Canonical Name added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_order_added | Darwin Core Order (dwc:order) added where none was provided. |
dwc_family_added | Darwin Core Family (dwc:family) added where none was provided. |
dwc_class_added | Darwin Core Class (dwc:class) added where none was provided. |
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collection of brandi noble, noaa/nmfs/sefsc", "dcterms:publisher": "wikimedia commons" }, { "dcterms:license": "creative commons attribution share alike 2.0 unported", "dcterms:title": "japanese soldierfish (o. japonicus)", "dcterms:references": "http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/file:natural_history_museum_301_(8047034284).jpg", "coreid": "5204761", "dcterms:identifier": "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/natural_history_museum_301_%288047034284%29.jpg", "dcterms:source": "english wikipedia - species pages", "dcterms:description": "soldier fish (ostichthys japonicus). natural history museum, london, 27 august 2012.", "dcterms:creator": "anemoneprojectors (talk) (on flickr)", "dcterms:publisher": "wikimedia commons" } ], "dwc:typeStatus": "Thesis/dissertation", "dwc:collectionCode": "Vertebrate paleontology", "id": "d3951b1e-fac4-4e50-a2f5-7f3832ed9e81", "dwc:basisOfRecord": "FossilSpecimen", "dwc:taxonomicstatus": "accepted", "dwc:taxonrank": "genus", "dwc:preparations": "in matrix - other", "flag_dwc_parentnameusageid_added": true, "flag_dwc_scientificnameauthorship_added": true, "flag_dwc_taxonid_added": true, "idigbio:siblings": {}, "dwc:scientificnameauthorship": "cuvier, 1829", "gbif:genericname": "ostichthys", "flag_dwc_multimedia_added": true, "dwc:institutionID": "http://grbio.org/cool/s2a1-053h", "dwc:institutionCode": "SDSM", "flag_gbif_taxon_corrected": true, "dwc:formation": "Pierre Shale", "dwc:catalogNumber": "149669", "dwc:taxonid": "5204761", "dcterms:type": "PhysicalObject", "flag_gbif_canonicalname_added": true, "dcterms:accessRights": "When you use SDSM data in publications, we ask that you cite the data by using the SDSM prefix and referencing all catalog numbers incorporated, along with date of data acquisition and URL of portal used to access data.", "flag_dwc_order_added": true, "dwc:earliestEpochOrLowestSeries": "Upper Cretaceous", "dcterms:rightsHolder": "SDSM, Museum of Geology", "dwc:datasetid": "7ddf754f-d193-4cc9-b351-99906754a03b", "flag_dwc_family_added": true, "flag_dwc_class_added": true, "dwc:earliestEraOrLowestErathem": "Mesozoic", "dwc:occurrenceID": "d3951b1e-fac4-4e50-a2f5-7f3832ed9e81", "dcterms:modified": "2022-01-12", "gbif:reference": [ { "coreid": "5204761", "dcterms:source": "world register of marine species", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "eschmeyer, w. n. and r. fricke, and r. van der laan (eds). (2016). catalog of fishes: genera, species, references. electronic version." }, { "coreid": "5204761", "dcterms:source": "world register of marine species", "dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "froese, r. & d. pauly (editors). 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Major collections include, but are not limited to, marine vertebrates and associated fauna from the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, terrestrial vertebrates (including dinosaurs) from Jurassic and Cretaceous sites, extensive holdings from the White River Badlands of South Dakota and Nebraska (late Eocene to mid-Oligocene), and late Tertiary to Quaternary collections from the region, including mammoths and other Pleistocene vertebrates.", "logo": "http://www.sdsmt.edu//uploadedImages/Content/Academics/Museum_of_Geology/MuseumOfGeologyLogo.jpg", "url": "", "emllink": "https://ipt.idigbio.org/eml.do?r=sdsm-vertpaleo", "archivelink": "https://ipt.idigbio.org/archive.do?r=sdsm-vertpaleo", "contacts": [ { "first_name": "Gene", "last_name": "Hess", "email": "Gene.Hess@sdsmt.edu" }, { "first_name": "Sally", "last_name": "Shelton", "role": "Associate Director", "email": "Sally.Shelton@sdsmt.edu" }, { "first_name": "Joanna", "last_name": "McCaffrey", "role": "Biodiversity Informatics Manager", "email": "jmccaffrey@flmnh.ufl.edu" }, { "first_name": "Sally", "last_name": "Shelton", "role": "Associate Director", "email": "Sally.Shelton@sdsmt.edu" } ], "data_rights": "CC0", "publisher": "ab5bdf3a-6283-41c7-ac16-9ba46381aa24", "totalCount": 12962 } }