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Specimen Record
From Paleobotany Division, Yale Peabody Museum
Institution Code | Ypm |
Collection Code | Pb |
Catalog Number | Ypm Pb 010977 |
From Recordset
The Yale Peabody Museum’s paleobotany collection numbers over 150,000 specimens, with 4,200 of these type and illustrated specimens. The collection is worldwide in scope, with approximately 75% of the collection from North America and the other 25% from the Arctic, Australia, Central American, Europe, Israel, Pakistan, Lebanon, South America and the West Indies. Tracing its roots back to the early 19th century, this collection is one of the most historically significant in the United States. Included among its riches are plant fossils from the opening of the American West, from the Wilkes Expedition of 1838–1842 described by James Dwight Dana, Triassic and late Cretaceous floras from New York, New Jersey and southern New England; and the world’s largest assemblage of cycadeoids.
Name | Larry Gall |
Role | Head, Computer Systems Office |
lawrence.gall@yale.edu |
Name | Larry Gall |
Role | Head, Computer Systems Office |
lawrence.gall@yale.edu |
Name | Larry Gall |
Role | Head, Computter Systems Office |
lawrence.gall@yale.edu |
Name | Shusheng Hu |
Role | Division of Paleobotany |
shusheng.hu@yale.edu |
- Data
- Flags
- Raw
Type | Description |
gbif_vernacularname_added | GBIF Vernacular Name (common name) added. |
gbif_reference_added | GBIF Reference added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy |
gbif_canonicalname_added | GBIF Canonical Name added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_taxonomicstatus_added | Darwin Core Taxonomic Status (dwc:taxonomicStatus) added where none was provided. |
gbif_genericname_added | GBIF Generic Name added from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. |
dwc_taxonid_added | Darwin Core Taxon ID (dwc:taxonID) added where none was provided. |
gbif_taxon_corrected | A match in GBIF Backbone Taxonomy was found. Inverse of taxon_match_failed flag. |
dwc_parentnameusageid_added | Darwin Core Parent Name Usage ID (dwc:parentNameUsageID) added where none was provided. |
dwc_multimedia_added | TBD |
dwc_scientificnameauthorship_replaced | |
dwc_datasetid_replaced | Darwin Core Dataset ID (dwc:datasetID) replaced with value from ? TBD |
dwc_order_added | Darwin Core Order (dwc:order) added where none was provided. |
dwc_class_added | Darwin Core Class (dwc:class) added where none was provided. |
taxon_match_failed | Unable to match a taxon in GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Inverse of gbif_taxon_corrected flag. |
{ "uuid": "005b2243-9170-4cb7-9694-a66d4c775eb7", "type": "records", "etag": "2673d620d12fbdf0f0012ccac2f6aa604be544fb", "data": { "dwc:identificationRemarks": "orig. Argus det. = Pinus sp.?", "dcterms:references": "http://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-PB-010977", "dwc:individualCount": "1", "dwc:occurrenceID": "urn:uuid:f23820be-dfff-4472-a76e-37cbe59d97c5", "id": "urn:uuid:f23820be-dfff-4472-a76e-37cbe59d97c5", "dwc:ownerInstitutionCode": "YPM", "dcterms:bibliographicCitation": "Pinus (YPM PB 010977)", "dwc:typeStatus": "type", "dwc:collectionCode": "PB", "dcterms:rightsHolder": "Yale Peabody Museum", "dwc:occurrenceRemarks": "PB number 10977; lot count 1; accn=YPM.07579", "dwc:basisOfRecord": "FossilSpecimen", "dwc:taxonRemarks": "Fossils, Rocks and Minerals: Fossils - Plants", "dwc:dynamicProperties": "{ \"irn\": \"750404\", \"media\": \"544209:7b990b40-0cfe-47f0-9c71-dff8f5ae09d8 124635:defacc91-e824-40db-8211-0af36e786f4e\", \"mm_repository_id\": \"544209\" }", "dwc:disposition": "in collection", "dwc:previousIdentifications": "Pinus", "dcterms:license": "http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/", "dwc:vernacularName": "pines; tracheophytes; plants", "dwc:associatedReferences": "TYPE. Note: orig. 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Argus det. = Pinus sp.?", "idigbio:dateModified": "2024-05-14T21:51:31.046498", "flag_gbif_vernacularname_added": true, "idigbio:etag": "2673d620d12fbdf0f0012ccac2f6aa604be544fb", "idigbio:uuid": "005b2243-9170-4cb7-9694-a66d4c775eb7", "gbif:canonicalname": "Pinus", "dcterms:references": "http://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-PB-010977", "flag_gbif_reference_added": true, "dwc:individualCount": "1", "idigbio:recordIds": [ "7ae4d15d-62e2-459b-842a-446f921b9d3f\\urn:uuid:f23820be-dfff-4472-a76e-37cbe59d97c5" ], "dwc:occurrenceID": "urn:uuid:f23820be-dfff-4472-a76e-37cbe59d97c5", "flag_gbif_canonicalname_added": true, "flag_dwc_taxonomicstatus_added": true, "flag_gbif_genericname_added": true, "dcterms:rightsHolder": "Yale Peabody Museum", "idigbio:parent": "7ae4d15d-62e2-459b-842a-446f921b9d3f", "dwc:ownerInstitutionCode": "YPM", "flag_dwc_taxonid_added": true, "flag_gbif_taxon_corrected": true, "dwc:multimedia": [ { "dcterms:license": "public domain mark 1.0", "dcterms:title": "wald-kiefer (pinus sylvestris)", "dcterms:references": "http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/file:illustration_pinus_sylvestris0_new.jpg", "coreid": "2684241", "dcterms:identifier": "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c3/illustration_pinus_sylvestris0_new.jpg", "dcterms:source": "german wikipedia - species pages", "dcterms:description": "name:pinus sylvestris; family:pinaceae original image description (german language): a zweig mit blüten und frucht; 1 männliche blüte während der verstäubung; 2 und 3 staubgefässe vor und nach der verstäubung; 4 weiblicher blütenstand; 5 und 6 die fruchtschuppe in der achsel der kleineren (links stehenden) deckschuppe; 7 fruchtschuppe von vorn, mit den beiden abwärts gerichteten samenanlagen; 8 reife zapfen, a geschlossen, b aufgesprungen; 9 einzelne zapfenschuppe mit dem vierseitigen schildchen ; 10 dieselbe von innen, um die beiden samen zu zeigen; 11 geflügelter same; 12 same, daneben der von ihm losgelöste flügel; 13 und 14 ohne, bez. mit der samenschale der länge nach durchschnittener same; der mit mehreren keimblättern versehene keim liegt in der mitte des eiweisses; 15 kurztrieb mit 2 nadeln, nebst querschnitt der nadeln. a, 8, 9, 10, 11 und 12 natürl. grösse, das andere vergrössert. original book source: prof. dr. otto wilhelm thomé flora von deutschland, Österreich und der schweiz 1885, gera, germany permission granted to use under gfdl by kurt stueber source: www.biolib.de", "dcterms:creator": "floranet|]]", "dcterms:publisher": "wikimedia commons" }, { "dcterms:license": "creative commons attribution 2.0 unported", "dcterms:title": "japanese red pine (pinus densiflora), north korea", "dcterms:references": "http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/file:pinus_densiflora_kumgangsan.jpg", "coreid": "2684241", "dcterms:identifier": "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ec/pinus_densiflora_kumgangsan.jpg", "dcterms:source": "english wikipedia - species pages", "dcterms:description": "english: pinus densiflora, kumgangsan (\"diamond mountains\"), north korea, just north of the demilitarized zone buffer zone between north and south korea.", "dcterms:creator": "yeowatzup at flickr", "dcterms:publisher": "wikimedia commons" } ], "dwc:typeStatus": "type", "dwc:collectionCode": "PB", "id": "urn:uuid:f23820be-dfff-4472-a76e-37cbe59d97c5", "dwc:occurrenceRemarks": "PB number 10977; lot count 1; accn=YPM.07579", "dwc:basisOfRecord": "FossilSpecimen", "dcterms:accessRights": "Open Access, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/; see Yale Peabody policies at: http://hdl.handle.net/10079/8931zqj", "dwc:taxonomicstatus": "accepted", "dwc:taxonRemarks": "Fossils, Rocks and Minerals: Fossils - Plants", "flag_dwc_parentnameusageid_added": true, "dwc:dynamicProperties": "{ \"irn\": \"750404\", \"media\": \"544209:7b990b40-0cfe-47f0-9c71-dff8f5ae09d8 124635:defacc91-e824-40db-8211-0af36e786f4e\", \"mm_repository_id\": \"544209\" }", "dwc:disposition": "in collection", "dwc:previousIdentifications": "Pinus", "dcterms:license": "http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/", "idigbio:siblings": { "mediarecord": [ "3a62c0cf-9418-4443-a28a-ffeaf370e2d2", "12d9fb31-44ec-4617-9f3f-206037f78427" ] }, "dwc:vernacularName": "pines; tracheophytes; plants", "dwc:associatedReferences": "TYPE. 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(2005)" } ], "dwc:datasetID": "7ddf754f-d193-4cc9-b351-99906754a03b", "gbif:vernacularname": [ { "dwc:countrycode": "de", "dwc:country": "germany", "dwc:vernacularname": "kiefer", "coreid": "2684241", "dcterms:source": "taxon list of vascular plants from bavaria, germany compiled in the context of the bfl project", "dcterms:language": "de" }, { "coreid": "2684241", "dcterms:language": "de", "dcterms:source": "german wikipedia - species pages", "dwc:vernacularname": "kiefern" }, { "coreid": "2684241", "dcterms:language": "en", "dcterms:source": "database of vascular plants of canada (vascan)", "dwc:vernacularname": "pine" }, { "coreid": "2684241", "dcterms:language": "en", "dcterms:source": "grin taxonomy", "dwc:vernacularname": "pine" }, { "coreid": "2684241", "dcterms:language": "en", "dcterms:source": "integrated taxonomic information system (itis)", "dwc:vernacularname": "pine" }, { "coreid": "2684241", "dcterms:language": "en", "dcterms:source": "english wikipedia - species pages", "dwc:vernacularname": "pine tree" }, { "coreid": "2684241", "dcterms:source": "the woody plants of korea (한국의 수목)", "dwc:vernacularname": "소나무속" } ], "dwc:class": "Pinopsida", "dwc:genus": "Pinus", "dwc:phylum": "Tracheophyta", "dwc:scientificNameAuthorship": "L.", "dwc:taxonID": "2684241", "dwc:taxonRank": "genus", "dwc:kingdom": "Plantae", "dwc:family": "Pinaceae", "dwc:scientificName": "Pinus", "dwc:order": "Pinales" }, "occurrenceid": "urn:uuid:f23820be-dfff-4472-a76e-37cbe59d97c5", "dqs": 0.11594202898550725, "collectioncode": "pb", "canonicalname": "pinus", "flags": [ "gbif_vernacularname_added", "gbif_reference_added", "gbif_canonicalname_added", "dwc_taxonomicstatus_added", "gbif_genericname_added", "dwc_taxonid_added", "gbif_taxon_corrected", "dwc_parentnameusageid_added", "dwc_multimedia_added", "dwc_scientificnameauthorship_replaced", "dwc_datasetid_replaced", "dwc_order_added", "dwc_class_added", "taxon_match_failed" ], "taxonomicstatus": "accepted", "recordids": [ "7ae4d15d-62e2-459b-842a-446f921b9d3f\\urn:uuid:f23820be-dfff-4472-a76e-37cbe59d97c5" ], "institutioncode": "ypm", "datasetid": "7ddf754f-d193-4cc9-b351-99906754a03b", "scientificname": "pinus", "kingdom": "plantae", "taxonid": "2684241", "phylum": "tracheophyta", "genus": "pinus", "taxonrank": "genus", "family": "pinaceae", "class": "pinopsida", "order": "pinales" }, "attribution": { "uuid": "7ae4d15d-62e2-459b-842a-446f921b9d3f", "name": "Paleobotany Division, Yale Peabody Museum", "description": "The Yale Peabody Museum’s paleobotany collection numbers over 150,000 specimens, with 4,200 of these type and illustrated specimens. The collection is worldwide in scope, with approximately 75% of the collection from North America and the other 25% from the Arctic, Australia, Central American, Europe, Israel, Pakistan, Lebanon, South America and the West Indies. Tracing its roots back to the early 19th century, this collection is one of the most historically significant in the United States. Included among its riches are plant fossils from the opening of the American West, from the Wilkes Expedition of 1838–1842 described by James Dwight Dana, Triassic and late Cretaceous floras from New York, New Jersey and southern New England; and the world’s largest assemblage of cycadeoids.", "logo": "http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/ipt/logo.do?r=ipt_pb", "url": "", "emllink": "http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/ipt/eml.do?r=ipt_pb", "archivelink": "http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/ipt/archive.do?r=ipt_pb", "contacts": [ { "first_name": "Larry", "last_name": "Gall", "role": "Head, Computer Systems Office", "email": "lawrence.gall@yale.edu" }, { "first_name": "Larry", "last_name": "Gall", "role": "Head, Computer Systems Office", "email": "lawrence.gall@yale.edu" }, { "first_name": "Larry", "last_name": "Gall", "role": "Head, Computter Systems Office", "email": "lawrence.gall@yale.edu" }, { "first_name": "Shusheng", "last_name": "Hu", "role": "Division of Paleobotany", "email": "shusheng.hu@yale.edu" } ], "data_rights": "CC0", "publisher": "0bdd6e08-91e3-4ef0-a14f-7a987f9e9362", "totalCount": 97912 } }